HARRISBURG (BRN) – East Shore Baptist Church (ESBC) in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, serves as a polling station for all elections in our community.

To take advantage of this unique opportunity, more than a dozen ESBC members manned the hospitality table over the course of 12 hours on Nov. 7, during the recent Election Day Ministry. A Baptist Resource Network (BRN) sponsored evangelism grant was used to offer voters free snacks and Bibles as well as spiritual books and pamphlets.

So, what did this simple act of hospitality result in? Surprisingly deep spiritual conversations, invitations to come to church, on-the-spot prayer sessions, hugs of gratitude and our local community knowing that Jesus loves them and so does their local Southern Baptist Church.

As the Spirit lead, it was amazing how just being present, offering some free food and literature and gently engaging voters in small talk led to more in-depth conversations on religion, dealing with stress and anxiety and earnest questions about attending church and relying on God during difficult times.

Throughout the day, we estimate that 300 people came to East Shore to vote and that nearly 30 gospel conversations took place.

Have an outreach event you would like to host, but could use a little help when it comes to the cost? Apply for a BRN Evangelism Grant today by visiting brnunited.org/grant!